Fantaterror: Horror from Spain
News and reviews of the Spanish horror film, with a special focus on its first golden age in the 1960s and 1970s. Also, revelations from the collections of Spanish horror fans.
"I hope these memoirs will be used by my descendants as a guide. It's an initiation into a passionate world of rare and unknown sensations, a seductive and tragic world bred in pain and blood, the tragic eroticism of all the senses, finally ending in death."
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Saturday, July 23, 2011
The Woman in the Coffin - 8mm - Jess Franco

This is the third, and I presume final, Mountain 8mm silent film taken from Jess Franco's GRITOS EN LA NOCHE. The catalog number is T220. If you notice, the other Mountain catalog numbers for this series were T217 and T218. So what was T219? Possibly a fourth Franco 8mm sourced from GRITOS?
In the past, I may have come across a complete, or fairly complete, listing of Mountain Films' titles, and I believe that T219 was not a Franco-related film. Can't be certain at this point, and I've not come across this list online again. (There are other Mountain lists out there, but incomplete.) My investigation continues.
The side description of THE WOMAN IN THE COFFIN: "Can a man mould and create his own beautiful mistress? Can flesh and bone be put together to form a female Venus? What mad schemes are unfolded in the heart of the dark country?"
In the original Franco film, this "mistress" was Dr. Orlof's daughter, whose beauty he wanted to restore. But there have been many incestuous currents running through Franco's work. Was Mountain Films picking up on this?
Friday, July 22, 2011
Lust for Blood - 8mm - Jess Franco

Here is the second Mountain Films' 8mm silent taken from Jess Franco's GRITOS EN LA NOCHE (American title: THE AWFUL DR. ORLOF). Catalog number T218. Side description: "MORPO--is he man or monster? A blood sucker who continually seeks the fresh blood of lovely young women and lures them to a fate worse than death." The character's name should be spelled Morpho, and unless I'm missing an element of the original film, there's no bloodsucking done by him, but it's good ballyhoo anyway.
The cover hints at what "the fate worse than death" may be.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
The Demon Doctor - 8mm - Jess Franco

Mountain Films of Great Britain released three (as far as I know) 8mm silent films from Jess Franco's GRITOS EN LA NOCHE. The British title of this film was THE DEMON DOCTOR, the American--THE AWFUL DR. ORLOF.
The first Franco offering from Mountain was titled, like the British version, THE DEMON DOCTOR, catalog number T217. The description on the side of the box: "Foul murders have been committed and the police are baffled. The inspector's girlfriend volunteers to act as bait. Can she help trap the Demon Doctor!"
Love the gaudy cover and the "Terror more horrifying than DEATH" tag.
At some future date, I'd like to uncover whatever treasures these 8mm films contain and could see using them for some weird horror project (with permission from the rights owner, of course!)
I'll be showing the remaining Franco releases from Mountain in the next blog entries.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
The Perverse Faces of Victor Israel
One of Spain's most recognized character actors, Victor Israel, who passed away in 2009, is the subject of a Spanish documentary--LOS PERVERSOS ROSTROS DE VICTOR ISRAEL--with commentary from many well-known contemporaries.
Here is a sample:
So far, no distribution is set for an English friendly release.
Here is a sample:
So far, no distribution is set for an English friendly release.
Friday, May 20, 2011
The Skin I Live In - A New Shocker from Spain
Noted director Pedro Almodovar steps firmly into horror territory with THE SKIN I LIVE IN (LA PIEL QUE HABITO). Based on Thierry Jonquet's TARANTULA (MYGALE), the film so horrified certain audience members at its Cannes Film Festival premier that groups left the showing before it was over. But it also received a five minute standing ovation from those hardy audience members who stayed and viewed the entire film.
SPOILERS AHEAD... Starring Antonio Banderas and Elena Anaya, the horror thriller concerns a plastic surgeon who seeks vengeance on the person who raped his daughter. The daughter kills herself after the brutal violation. The Banderas character, Dr. Robert Ledgard, kidnaps the rapist and performs a sex change operation on him, transplanting his daughter's face onto the rapist. He then rapes the rapist!
Strong sexually violent scenes and abundant nudity are sure to make this a controversial film that will be seen and talked about by many aficionados of shocking horror. The film should arrive in the United States in November.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Not sure when this was released, but within the last couple of years, if not recently. It's a special vinyl album, a tribute to Paul Naschy, that contains the following numbers:
Horror Express
La Llorona
La Marca Del Hombre Lobo
El Espanto Surge De La Tumba
Only the last two numbers concern Naschy films, of course.
Motorzombies labels itself a "psychobilly band."
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